My Portfolio
Giona Tomassetti
Game Designer

Cyberpong (2077)
My very first project
This first project was made with a simple objective: we were asked to make a game that used and/or reminded pong as a base, but to spice it up with new rules and/or mechanics
The Team:
2 Designers
1 Programmer
1 Concept Artist
My Tasks:
- Sound Design
- UI Design
- Quality Assurance
And, between 4 ideas, mine was the one chosen for this game developement!
My very first steps in the world of game design, i learned a lot about Teamwork, Unity and UI Design
Chuck's Conquest
Second (and most loved!) project

This project's task was: Make a simulation game of a given job, but with a "twist". We were given the "woodcutter" profession, so, our twist was that the woodcutter was a space beaver on an alien planet!
The Team:
3 Designers
2 Programmers
2 Artists 3D
1 Concept Artist
My Tasks:
- Making Documentation
- Ensuring team communication and deadlines
- Level Design (with unity)
- QA and Playtesting
- Tutorial
- Trailer footage and helped with the trailer itself
Names of characters, items and tools are made by me!
I learned a lot more about Unity, OBS Studio, DaVinci Resolve, Level Design and Team management
Our precious little Trailer!

Steamboat Wheel
Third Project

This project's task was to create a gacha game with a progression mechanic; we chose to use a "wheel of fortune" and a treasure grabbing mechanic; the main goal is to explore the map and gather treasures!
The Team:
3 Designers
2 Programmers
2 Artists 3D
1 Concept Artist
My Tasks:
- Economy Design
- Sound Design
- Team Management
- Tutorial
- Monetization
- QA and Playtesting
It was an incredible experience to understand how Mobile Games work; it also taught me how to make an efficient Monetization system and how to handle different platforms
Steamboat Wheel's Trailer

Battle of tezuma
Fourth Project (The Big One)

We were asked to make a real time strategy game in which the player had no direct control over his/her troops and was aimed to ex-hardcore starcraft-like players
The Team:
4 Designers
3 Programmers
3 Artists 3D
2 Concept Artists
My Tasks:
- UI Design
- Tutorial
- Events and Modifiers
- Monetization
- A LOT of team coordination
The biggest project so far, we worked for 6 months to deliver. I have learned much, especially Unity, Teamwork, Communication and Economy Design
Battle Of Tezuma's Trailer

These projects are, for now, intellectual property of DBGA, meaning that if you wish to try them (exception made for BOT, Battle Of Tezuma) i have to ask for their permission, which i'll gladly do, i just wanted to make it as clear as possible
I hope we can work together in the making of new games!
I bid you a good day!